Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Lego contest on Saturday; Teen Night on Monday

Sign up for our LEGO contest this weekend!!  We'll have Barnes and Noble Giftcards as the prizes.  For more information, see below.

ALSO, Teen Night on Monday @ 7pm.  Come for pizza and "Name that Holiday Tune".

Monday, November 30, 2009

Holiday Book Fair at Barnes & Noble

The Roxbury Library is having a Book Fair @ Barnes & Noble on December 15th. Proceeds for items purchased will go directly to the Roxbury Library - BUT you need to mention the Book Fair to the cashier or hand the cashier to a Book Fair Voucher (available @ the Roxbury Library).

Programs @ Barnes & Noble on December 15th:

     10:30am - Books for Babies
     2pm - Preschool Holiday Craft - Bring your preschooler to make holiday luminaries. Registration is required. Call 973-584-2400 x503 to register.
     3pm - Book signing with Janet Pfeiffer, author of The Secret Side of Anger.  Click here for more information about Janet Pfeiffer.
     4pm - After School Craft - Making ornaments!!
     7pm - Creating a Holiday Centerpiece

We will also be having a BAKE SALE and we will be WRAPPING HOLIDAY PRESENTS!!

Monday, November 16, 2009


When? Saturday, December 5th from 12pm-2pm @ the Roxbury Public Library

What? Bring your LEGOs* and build a holiday house/scene that measures no more than 12in x 12in and no higher than 24 in. You can bring any other accessories (as long as they do not need electricity and they are not perishable). The house/scene must be primarily built out of LEGOs and must be built @ the library.

All LEGO scenes will be immediately judged and then will go on display after the competition. They will remain on display through December 31st and then may be picked up by the participant (so you will get all of your LEGOs back).

Age categories:  ES – Grades K-4 MS – Grades 5-8 HS – Grades 9-12

Prizes will be awarded for each age category.

*LEGOs can be provided by the library if you do not have any. Please mention that you need to borrow LEGOs when you register.

A VERY SPECIAL thank you goes out to the generous patrons who have donated LEGOs. We also received a wonderful donation from MIT!!!

(For ideas, try

Please register by calling 973-584-2400 x503 or stop by the Children’s Reference Desk.

Don't forget Coffee House on Friday!!

Friday, November 20th - 8-10pm
Admission free with a Roxbury Library Card; $3 for all others
Valid high school ID required.

Coffee.  Food.  Music.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Teen Night on Monday!!

Monday, November 2nd is our next Teen Night.  We'll have board games out for playing and pizza for all!!  Cannot wait to see you there.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Looking for LEGOs

The library is looking for LEGO donations.  If you could let go of your LEGOs, please bring them to the Children's Department. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Coffee House

Save the date.November 20th 8-10pm.
High school students only.
Bands to be announced soon.

Photo used by permission with attribution to creator Omar_MK on Flickr

Playing Werewolf

On October 20th we'll be playing Werewolf for Anti-Silence from 4-5pm.  Snack will be provided. 

Friday, September 4, 2009

Chalk Art @ Suckasunny Day

We will be hosting a chalk art contest on Suckasunny Day from 12pm-2pm. Participants will be grouped by age. The first 25 participants will receive a free bucket of chalk. Winners will be announced at 2:30 in the Gazebo.